Why Chandrayan 2 is a success.

                              Chandrayan 2 is a success.

           Indian space research organization (ISRO), launched a new probe to moon called chandraya 2. it was a continuation of its predecessor chandrayan 1. In its first mission chandrayan 1 found water on the moon and now Chandrayan 2 is aiming for landing on the moon. Chanrayan 2 is a 3 modular probe which consist            1. chandrayan orbiter, 2. Vikram Lander, 3. Pragyan Rover.

          According to Isro,The 2379-kg orbiter, with a designed mission life of one year, carries eight scientific payloads for mapping the lunar surface and study the exosphere (outer atmosphere) of the Moon.The orbiter payloads will conduct remote-sensing observations from a 100 km orbit. 1471 kg  vikram lander carried three scientific payloads to conduct surface and subsurface science experiments, while 27 kg Pragyan rover carried two payloads to enhance our understanding of the lunar surface.     
          Remember that saying? " there are no failures in science, There will be only Experiments, Experiments and Experiments".
           Indian Space Research organisation has sent a 3 modular space probe to moon on 22, july 2019 at 14:43 IST. While sending the probe to the moon only ISRO attempted a very risky yet phenomenal method, ISRO did not send the probe to the moon by simple straight path ( which consumes more fuel and requires a highly powerful rocket ) instead ISRO choose a highly risky and time consuming yet very very fuel efficient way that ISRO mastered through its MARS mission MNGALYAN ( know for lees priced mission to mars in ISRO's first attempt) that is "Orbit  rising maneuvering methode" .

          In this method the probe was maneuvered in the orbits of earth while raising it from one orbit to other which eventually results in increase of probe's velocity with the less fuel consumption. In simple terms instead of using conventional fuel ISRO used GRAVITY as fuel to rise its velocity. In this way the probe was escaped the earth's gravitational field. After travelling some time in sun's gravitational effect then the space probe was introduced to the moon s higher orbit here in the same way buut in reverse direction the proe applied the concept of " De- orbiting maneuvers " for each maneuvering the probe brought closer to the moon and eventually entered into the moon's lowest orbit which is at 100 km altitude to the moon.
            The lander module was separated from the chandrayan 2 orbiter at 100 km altitude of the moon on 4th of september  . the rover and lander module were entered into  even lower orbits, while the orbiter orbits the moon andperforms major experiments with the 8 payloads that it carried and also   communicates with both lander and earth.  The lander module performs an 15 minute Autonomous "soft landing descent" by using thrusters on board to reduce the speed. After landing the rover will be separated from the lander and goes onto the moon's surface which will creates history as India is the only country to land on moon's south pole and the fourth country in the world to land on the moon. Both happened but not in an expected way. so we cannot call the landing part as success, but this doesn't mean that the entire mission is failed. Actually ISRO's chandrayan 2 mission is pretty successful, i wil tell you why.

       The whole process requires an excellent mastery over mathematics calculations, huge imagination and precise execution.This whole process took almost 42 days.

Now, Why this mission is successful: You will always meassure success of an event based on its error ratio in this case ISRO got its success - error ratio of  95:5 means 95% of this mission was. This is because the Orbiter is intended to do 95 % of the work of all the mission  that's why it got almost 8 payloads on it some of them are even advanced than NASA's  equipments.  The lander was crash landed only at an altitude of 2.1 km and the lander still in a singlr peice and generating energy from its solar panels so it is only matter of time that the lander will reestablish the communication.
even if it will not the technological demonstration of ISRO is amazing on ita first attempt to land on any other terrestrial object.
NASA failed 7 times before landing on the moon.
RUSSIA failed 12 times
and CHINA failed 3 times
this is INDIA's first attempt to do anything like this
Now India also have its most advanced orbiter which life was extended from 1 year to 7.5 years so it can support heavily  ISRO's future moon missions:
future moon missions including  CHANDRAYAN 3 the mission collaborated with japan. ( by 2024).
And also India's next man mission to moon GAGANYAN. (by 2024)

 Apart from moon missions
 ISRO also working on Aditya 1 ( mission to sun) collaborated with NASA  ( by 2021)
India's own global positioning system ( by 2025)
ISRO SUKRAYAN  mission to venus. ( by 2025)
India's own space stations (by 2030).

ALL THE BEST ISRO............................................THANK YOU


  1. Excellent and in-depth analysis of Lunar mission

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