- pvs karthik Ministry of Home Affairs introduced citizenship amendment bill (CAB 2019) 2019 in Lok sabha on 9th december 2019. the bill passed successfully on 10th december 2019 in Lok sabha and on 11th december in Rajya sabha . On 12 th december the bill was signed by president of India , Ramnath Kovind. Bill no- 370 of 2019, Act no - 47 of 2019, Amendment to citizenship bill 1955. Status - Not yet in force. How citizenship was given in India till now? In india, citizenship will be regulated by Citizenship Act 1955 . The Act specifies in India the citizenship will be given may be in 5 methods, by birth, by descent, by registration, by naturalization ( extended residence in India ), by incorporation of territor...
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