Is war inevitable between India vs Pakistan-China?


          India recently scrapped its constitutional provision  ART 370 which provides Indian  state Jammu and Kashmir special status. But this scrapping is well in its limits of constitution. with this move Pakistan is deeply disappointed and raging war on India. Pakistan's stands on indian state jammu and kashmir is pulling both rivalries into war.

        Based on the recent developments which are taking place at line of control and also based on the statements made by politicians of both nations it almost seems that war may take place sooner or later. Pakistan is now trying constantly to insurge Terrorists into India, and also claiming lives on indian side of jammu and kashmir. On the other hand India is also giving some befitting replies to Pakistan based Terrorists and also its Army. This action by India so far claimed approximately 150 lives of terrorists and insurgents and also pakistan army people.

        In the same time pakistan is trying hard to get the international attention to the issue by climbing every step of foreign countries and also international organizations But wherever pakistan goes it got rejected even at their brothers Arab nations. Here we can see the incredible diplomacy in play on the Indian side.

         The only country that is supporting pakistan is China, here comes a twist in the story. China want to support pakistan even if its major trade partner is India. At a time when China is fighting Trade war with USA fiercely, it is not hesitating to risk another trade war with India. This is so risky for china if any wrong move on either of the sides of USA or India,  that will cost a hefty price for China. Why is china doing this even though it knows the consequences. there is only one reason for this

        That is "China Pakistan economic corridor" ( CPEC)  this is Trillion dollar project which paseses through POK ( Pak occupied kashmir ), this is so crucial for China in future trade for its goods. pakistan knows that even at least for CPEC China will support Pakistan but for India there is another concern regarding CPEC that is this project actually passes through POK pak occupied kashmir, India has a firm stand from the beginning that POK is india's territory and any illegal construction in this territory is completely unacceptable in Indian point of view.

        The major concern of china that Pakistan is cashing on is " If India moves further ahead and occupy POK then it is a game over call for China in that land" so NOW China is in the field. This gives Pakistan a major strength, at least Pakistan believes that way, but India is not backing off from its stand point and it is even moving further by making statements from all Union Ministers that to take back POK. Infact Army General Bipin Rawat said that Indian Army is only waiting for government decision to occupy POK.

          In the meantime there is another development on the opposite side of the Indian border that is INDO-CHINESE face off this did take place is Leh region of India at Pangong Lake, which is on the Indian side. but this face off cooled down immediately after higher authorities intervention. Provocation seems to be growing even at this point of time because immediately after that face off China - Pak conducted a joint military exercise so as India did its fierce exercise. India also did military exercises with two of its allies and also enemies of China, these are Thailand and USA.

        Indian northern command told that India is ready to fight war on both sides and India also building infrastructure to transport inventory quickly, Based on all these situations one can think that war will be future for these three countries But i don't think that is going to happen. Ohh You WANT TO KNOW WHY? Well subscribe to me and follow on this page will share with you about that later in another article

                                             THANK YOU

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  1. U missed some points about Pok and muzaffarabad issue

  2. Will mention in the next blog
    which is coming soon thank you for taking time to read blog and commenting.

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