What is Citizenship bill 2019 ( CAB 2019) ? Why so many protests are going on?

                                                                    - pvs karthik

Ministry of Home Affairs introduced citizenship amendment bill (CAB 2019)  2019 in Lok sabha on 9th december 2019. the bill passed successfully on 10th december 2019 in Lok sabha and on 11th december in Rajya sabha. On 12 th december the bill was signed by president of India , Ramnath Kovind.

 Bill no- 370 of 2019,
Act no - 47 of 2019,
Amendment to citizenship bill 1955.
Status - Not yet in force.

How citizenship was given in India till now? 

In india, citizenship will be regulated by Citizenship Act 1955. The Act specifies in India the citizenship will be given may be in 5 methods, by birth, by descent, by registration, by naturalization ( extended residence in India ), by incorporation of territory into india.

Can illegal migrants get citizenship in India so far?
As illegal migrants prohibited acquire the indian citizenship. An illegal migrant is essentially a foreigner who entered India either illegally i.e ,without proper travel documents, or Entered india legally and stays beyond the permitted time limit. An illegal immigrant can be persecuted in India and imprisoned or deported.

In september 2015 and july 2016 central government exempted certain illegal migrant groups from deportation or imprisonment. These are illegal migrants who came into india from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, on or before 31st december 2014, and belong to the Christian, sikh, buddhist, jain or Hindu religious communities.

How does the 'citizenship bill' seek to change the current requirements ? ;-
The bill proposes the specified class of illegal migrants from the 3 countries will not be treated as illegal migrants. They can acquire citizenship of india through naturalization, for which they have to reside in  India for 5 years , previously it was 11 years, or they must have worked in the central government for 12 months.

The bill also specifies that all the legal cases, such as illegal migration and illegal residence, related to specified religious communities coming from specified 3 countries will be ceased.

Is the bill applicable across the country?
The answer is NO. The bill clarifies that proposed bill will not be applied to certain areas. These are 1. The tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, as included in the schedule of the constitution.
2. The states regulated by the "inner line" permit under the Bengal state regulation frontier 1873 act. These areas were excluded from reach of the bill.

Why it is controversial ? :-
 This bill is controversial because of  reasons. 
1. The bill excludes Muslims to take refuge in India.
2. There are concerns over allowing Bangladeshi people ( other than Muslims ), to take refuge in Indian North-eastern states ( Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, ) , which will destroy their culture and tradition because of dilution of cultures.

Why USA concerned about this? :-
1.  Among so many international organizations that USA has, USCIRF, is one of them. his organization criticized the passage of bill in the indian lower house lok sabha, saying that it will create instability in the region between muslims and other religions.

2.  This organization gone to an extent of threatening the Indian Home minister, said that it will give an official suggestion to the USA government to put sanctions on Indian Home minister, if the bill will pass in Rajya sabha (upper house).

3.  Indian government reaction is so mature and wise that it criticized the organization's irresponsible behaviour of meddling into India's internal affairs, and raised doubts on the organization's relevance.

4.  This body has no relevance at all in USA as it became  democrats propaganda hand.

Current status of the bill:-
1. The bill passed in both houses of parliament with overwhelming majority.

2. The bill was signed by the president of India and became a Law.

3. the bill was not yet came into force.

Views For the bill:-
 1. Majority of Indian population is very happy with the passing of this bill because it will provide those communities a strength by increasing their numbers. and it will stop the religious conversions by force which are natural in islamic countries.

2. People are also supporting the exclusion of muslims from the bill because the countries from where these minorities are allowed are muslim majority nations and their state religion is declared as Islam so it will make no sense to allow a majority community of another country to take refuge in your country that too a state community..

Views Against the bill:-
1.  people against this bill are arguing that this bill is overlooking the Article 14 of the constitution that is " Equality Before The Law" by excluding muslims this bill done just that.

2.  North-eastern people are raising concerns that this bill will violate the Article 371 " which will provide security to tribal communities of 7 sisters states from dilution of their cultures ".

    Irrelevant people tried to intervene into the matter and got biggest snub from the Indian government as it turned blind eye on them and passed the bill.

     no 1: pakistan pm Imran khan: according to him this bill will go against humanity because this excludes muslims but i wonder how he doesn't have an answer for what happened to all minority religions in his country.

     no 2: USCIRF: According to this organization, This bill is against the secularism of a democracy. but according to me security is more important than that fancy word ( secularism ). By allowing another country's majority population to enter into India destroy the country's security.

   This bill not only provided security to the persecuted communities from 3 hostile countries ( persecution of Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Christians, communities will be proved when we compare the statistics of those religions  from the date they formed to till now) but also bring them into prosperity  . All who opposing this bill are provided support twice in the past to the same bill, that proves their hypocrisy.

Should Indian government care about USA's sidekick organization USCIRF? share your opinion with us in the comment section. 

..............................................THANK YOU.......................................



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