TOP 5 From INR 1 lakh To 1.5 lakhs Budget.

Indian Motorcycle Industry has grown from million of dollars value to billions now. as the industry is growing market has also grown likewise, and people started to perceive beyond the millage and cubic capacity perspectives. Now an average Indian also looking for power and stylishness while willing to compromise some extent on millage. So a new race has began in this new era of thinking. The race is happening not only between bikes but also between bike companies. The same old Indian manufacturing or established foreign companies now willing to accommodate the change so new motorcycles are coming into the markets all the way from InR 50,000 to 15,00,000 so i am here to share my opinion on bikes in all these segments. Now What are the Top 10 Bikes or Motorcycles under 1.5 lakhs? 5 . Suzuki Gixxer SF 150 ABS Price: INR 1.22 lakhs ( Ex sho...